Generating powerful content.

You’ve seen it before: the statistics that say your first impression is made within 30 seconds. The same is true of your marketing materials. The level of professionalism, messages you deliver and content of what you say and how you say it will either draw potential clients in or lose their interest. Quickly. Keeping their interest, keeping them coming back to your website, reading your newsletter, checking out what you have to say is a matter of feeding them interesting and consistent content. This will showcase your expertise.

Consider reaching your audience through newsletters, articles in local trade publications, a blog or even a direct mail piece. Consider having us develop a plan to disseminate your messages through public relations, press articles, presentations and materials. Consider developing your website, newsletters, brochures, presentations, white papers, articles, etc.  We’re working with our clients to get their businesses in the press, to secure bylined articles in the publications clients and potential clients read and to get them noticed.

Call me to discuss putting together a plan for getting your messages out in front of your audiences. A plan that will work for your business.
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Call me to discuss your strategic communications, content and writing needs. And please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues and friends.

“The difference between the right word and the
almost right word is the difference between
lightning and a lightning bug.” — Mark Twain