If a tree falls in the woods…

What if a tree falls in the woods and people are there and hear it, but it falls on something else that makes a strange, loud noise? The media subsequently reports that something really bad happened in the woods, when really all that happened was a tree fell and did no damage. Maybe the tree even fell because the city helped homeowners cut it to avoid it falling on their home. Yet because it was reported that something bad and scary happened, people are now avoiding the woods where there are beautiful trails that hikers and tourists pay to use and the city, as a result, is losing revenue.

The point? It’s up to the tree and the people representing the tree to tell the right story to the right people. (Hint: your business is the woods and it’s your tree.)

Even companies with a full-time, marvelous marketing communications team sometimes need a little help telling their story to increase brand awareness and attract clients.

As communications strategists, our job is to help tell your story, so you control the narrative.  

While new clients approach us with a variety of challenges, most fall into one of the following categories:

  • “We know we have a great service/product, but not enough people know about it, understand it or the full extent of what we do.”
  • “We have a new product or service to launch.”  
  • “We have great ideas for a new [presentation, article, social media campaign…], but don’t have the time or the know how to execute them.”

Investment advisory firms come to us to build communication platforms to launch new ETFs and mutual funds, and to attract new interest in existing funds. We help banks get the word out about not only their services but the philanthropic work they do in their communities. We’ve created ongoing communications plans for financial, telecommunications, and nonprofit organizations. We’ve even re-created entire RFP databases for firms needing to better tell their stories.

In each case, we helped get the right story out there.  How can we help tell your story? Drop us a line.