Let’s talk about your communications plan.

An effective communications plan has multiple components, is strategically thought out and integrated across channels.

At its core is a story with a clear message.

To quote Simon Sinek, “For a megaphone to work, clarity must come first.” In other words, before you start your communications plan, it’s important to do some work up front, and get clear about what you want to communicate. You can find that clarity by building a messaging platform. This exercise involves a close look at your goals, history and audience. It can take some time and thought, and it’s a key step to ensuring that your future communications are on point. Determining how to tell your story and establishing strong messages will help position your firm and services and build your brand. And it will help get everyone on your team on the same page.

Only after you define your story can you determine where, how and when to tell it.

All your materials and ongoing content should support your basic messaging. In creating your plan, we work closely with you to determine what types of information and content your audiences will respond best to, and in what tone, which will be defined in your messaging platform. We may start with longer-form content — such news articles, press releases, blog posts (like this), white papers or fact sheets. We then leverage that content by distributing over multiple channels, which could include email marketing, social media, PR, talking points or trainings for sales teams. Or we may determine the best way to reach your audiences is with short, to-the-point snippets on social media. More likely, we’ll do both.

Planning ensures continuity and relevance. 

Your plan dictates what story you’ll tell when and where, over time. There are infinite outlets and platforms for your firm to communicate, and the combinations for how we can leverage your content are endless. There is no one solution that works for all companies. What’s important is telling your story consistently in the ways and on the outlets that reach and resonate with your audiences.

We’d love to help you tell your story.