Why are you in business?

The simple answer to one question, “Why are you in business,” can be used to start building the foundation of an authentic and meaningful brand, and subsequently all your marketing communications efforts. Perhaps the reason you are in business is “to help people retire,” or “to support and invest in environmentally friendly companies,” or “to provide low-cost, high-quality retirement plans to medium-income earners.”

Your answer can be used to support and guide everything you do in your business, and help develop a succinct messaging strategy that can be used firm wide.

Understanding your unique value and being able to articulate that value is essential to your firm’s growth. Moving beyond the “why you are in business,” to the “who is your firm, “what do we do”, “who do we serve” and “how do we do it?” can take some time. The answers should be authentic and resonate with what’s important to you and your clients. Investing the time to consider different viewpoints from team members and clients can help you learn and consider how your firm is currently perceived, so that you can address issues if need be.

You’re all in this together. When team members have difficulty communicating what the firm does, it’s often because there isn’t a well-thought-out messaging strategy in place. Similarly, when brands fail, it’s often because different parts of the organization are communicating different messages. Your brand messaging platform will help your whole team convey the same strong message, that truly connects with your client base.

We work together with RIAs and investment management firms to build strong messaging platforms to be used across your organization as the foundation of all your communication efforts. The results are cohesive organizations with teams that are aligned in communicating consistent messages and, subsequently, strong brands that resonate with clients and prospects.