Communicating Amid the Covid-19 Crisis

How and when to communicate during the Covid-19 crisis should be based on the answers to a few simple questions. What is your company doing that is either necessary to keep your people and clients safe, or that is helpful and makes you a trusted resource amid the...

Messaging for all market environments

As speculation regarding the potential end of the bull market increases, many managers may find themselves unprepared for how and what to communicate to clients when the bear eventually emerges (and eventually, it will). Yet managers who provide a steady stream of...

It’s time to tell your story.

Are you an investment manager with a great product that needs to bring in assets? Do you have a story to tell? Or maybe you have a hard time telling your story? Here is a list to get you thinking about what you might need in 2020. Audit. Take a look not only at all...

What will you say?

Words matter. Impressions last. With the lightning-speed of communications today, it can make a difference to take a step back and think about what and how your firm communicates to your clients and prospects. While you may be able to broadcast your message out there...